About the Journal

Founded in 2010, the Journal Opinião Filosófica is a journal of academic research published by Editora Fundação Fênix. It publishes research in Philosophy and interdisciplinary fields that contribute to contemporary thought, as well as to the betterment of the research and scientific dissemination process, with the purpose of creating networks of knowledge between research institutions and the academic community and put them at the service of society.


Indexers, Directories and Repositories


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Peer-Review Process

Submitted texts are formally evaluated first by the editorial staff, who may request corrections and additions. Texts that do not fall within the scope of the Journal, that do not meet mandatory requirements or that are not adequate within the established deadline will be archived.

Once the admissibility of the submission has been verified, two opinions are requested from people specialised in the subject, which will be used by the publishers, with the latter remaining the final decision. Publication of papers is subject to compliance with its recommendations.

The evaluation takes into account the originality of the treatment of the theme, the consistency and rigor of the approach, its contribution and its adequacy to the journal's thematic line. The review system is double-blind: the names of the reviewers will remain confidential and the names of the authors before the reviewers will also be omitted.

Evaluators are expected to be objective in their assessment. If there is any conflict of interest or difficulty in making a judgment without significant influence from external factors, they should contact the editors. They are expected to indicate relevant literature if not accepted in the text. The text and other information provided in the evaluation process should be treated confidentially and may not be used for any other purpose.


Open Access Policy

This journal provides open access to all its content, following the principle that free access to scientific research generates a greater global exchange of knowledge.


Privacy Policy

All personal information collected by this journal will be exclusively used for the services provided by this publication and will not be shared for other purposes or to other parties.