Cognitive enhancement and the human nature on transhumanit’s perspective




Transhumanism. Human Nature. Cognitive Enhancement. Human Enhancement.


The phenomenon of technological convergence and the transhumanist project provide possibilities for improving human capacity, which had never been considered before. However, major philosophical issues are raised, precisely because of the great ethical, epistemological, sociological impacts caused. The main problem of this article refers to how transhumanism conceives its improvement project in relation to the cognitive aspect and the possible implications about human nature? The objective of this research was to present the ways to improve human cognitive abilities supported by the transhumanist project as well as the philosophical implications about the notion of human nature and its limitations. It can be seen that the transhumanist project aims to make changes in human nature, overcoming the paradigm that the complex evolutionary process imposes on it. Transhumanism, therefore, intends to “tame” chance and autonomously operate changes in the human condition, in order to accelerate the improvement processes (enhancement), aiming at the well-being, quality of life and scientific-technological production. Cognitive improvement, through an increasingly intimate interaction with the machine, glimpses for the future unprecedented possibilities of thoughts, ideas, knowledge and new ways of relating to reality.

Author Biographies

  • Rodrigo Pedro Mella Parmeggiani, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná

    Undergraduate student of philosophy (BA) at PUCPR's School of Education and Humanities

  • Kleber Bez Birolo Candiotto, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná - PUCPR

    Professor of the Post-Graduate Programme in Philosophy at PUCPR - PhD in Philosophy at UFSCar.






How to Cite

Cognitive enhancement and the human nature on transhumanit’s perspective. (2021). Revista Opinião Filosófica, 12, 1-20.