Cultural identity versus social sciences
Cultural identity, culture, Identity, Social SciencesAbstract
The well-known debate that has become a myth regarding the relationship between Social Sciences and Particular Sciences today reaches a different nuance when the processes of cultural identity are studied from the former, the latter concept of polysemy and fluidity. which gives rise to a multitude of definitions and reinterpretations. In the brief space of this work, the relationship between cultural identity and the Social Sciences is analyzed from a theoretical perspective to discern some challenges that today's changing world imposes on this important nexus. The human being, when transformed into a knowing, valuing, affective subject with acquisition and capable of producing knowledge, is part of a culture and therefore of a cultural identity. The main results are found in the challenges for the social sciences, among which we can mention: dynamics of historical development of society over time, cultural differences seen as particular identities where prejudices and tolerance are included, and cultural awareness that allows know the ways in which human beings express and represent their roots or belonging to a social group. The conclusions assert that cultural identity is constantly being created, it should not be reduced only to belonging to a group, it is something that is outlined as a horizon without a finished point.Keywords: culture. Identity. Cultural identity. Social Sciences.
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