Spontaneità ed esperienza. Hegel, McDowell e la radicalizzazione di Kant


  • Danilo Manca Autor


What are the different kinds of role played by receptivity and spontaneity in the natural experience? This question will be the clue of the essay. To answer, I will take into account some remarks raised by McDowell in Mind and World. After having shown why spontaneity should be considered as drawn into operation in experience, I will ask where the unconscious activity of conceptual capacities could be grasped. Referring on Hegels Faith and Knowledge, as first step, I will focus on the idea that the blind synthesis of imagination could be identified with the hidden work of pure reason. Consecutively, as second step, by considering what Hegel said in the Phenomenology of Spirit chapter on Sense-certainty and in the Second Preface to Science of Logic, I will delve into Hegels idea that reasons instinct is operative within natural language. My aim is to understand in what a Hegelian radicalization of Kant could consist.



How to Cite

Spontaneità ed esperienza. Hegel, McDowell e la radicalizzazione di Kant. (2017). Revista Opinião Filosófica, 5(1). https://opiniaofilosofica.org/index.php/opiniaofilosofica/article/view/523