The principle of non-contradiction

ontological, ontic and gnosiological principle of being




Principle of non-contradiction, Being, Entity, Identity, The excluded middle


It is common to have a diminutive notion of the principle of non-contradiction, since normally it is only posited as a logical principle, but it is above all an ontological principle, the very ulterior manifestation of being. Indeed, it will help us answer the central question: how does being manifest itself in the multiplicity of entities? In this way, it is mostly necessary to present the manifestation of being through its ontological principle in the ontological, ontic and gnosiological planes of the real. From this, to clarify the impossibility of demonstrating the principle of non-contradiction and how this leads to the principle of the excluded middle; to explain the principle of identity as the synthesis and affirmation of thought, establishing the coincidence between being and thinking; and also to relate the principle of non-contradiction with essential and accidental semantic predication. For this, a qualitative approach is used with a bibliographic character of descriptive nature, making use of the doctrinal analysis. As a result, the presence of the same principle in beings of all natures is perceptible. Concluding that being, through the principle of non-contradiction, manifests itself in the multiplicity of entities.

Author Biographies

  • João Paulo Lima, IESMA

    Licenciado em Filosofia no Instituto de Estudos Superiores do Maranhão. Atualmente é mestrando em Educação na Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro. Atua como professor de Filosofia do ensino básico no Colégio Laboro em São Luís do Maranhão.

  • Claudinei Reis Pereira

    Doutor em Filosofia na Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo - UFES


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How to Cite

The principle of non-contradiction: ontological, ontic and gnosiological principle of being. (2024). Revista Opinião Filosófica, 15(2), 1-13.