Ecological crisis and legal form: Saito's and Kovel ecosocialism as political alternatives
legal form, ecological crisis, ecosocialismAbstract
This article aims to analyze the ecological crisis as a legal crisis, seeking solutions in political alternatives in the thinking of Kohei Saito and Joel Kovel. It appears that one of the fields for confronting the ecological crisis is through International Law and national constitutional regimes that recognize the legal subjectivity of nature. However, the impact of adoption through legal forms is small, as there is no break with the capitalist model of commodification of life. Based on this observation, Joel Kovel and Kohei Saito, both from Marxist backgrounds, reveal a political agenda of breaking with the commodity form as the possibility of a way to face the ecological crisis. What was done was a brief literature review on the theme of ecosocialism based on the two authors mentioned, which allows us to reveal the political projects and epistemological issues linked to their thinking. In the end, on the one hand, the limitations of the legal form in the ecological issue and the need to break with the social forms of the capitalist mode of production are presented as part of the solution to the ecological crisis.
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