The vestige of denied existence and the attitude of coexistence from Maria Firmina dos Reis in dialogue with phenomenology
Coexistence, Vestige, Maria Firmina dos Reis, Anticolonialism, Beauvoirian phenomenologyAbstract
The objective of this paper is to describe the short story “A escrava” [1887], by Maria Firmina dos Reis, using the Beauvoirian phenomenological method of relating literature and philosophy, insofar as this description is aimed at philosophical ends. Our hypothesis is that the short story enables us to think, from a Brazilian context, both about the idea of a vestige of denied existence and the relationship of coexistence between people in unequal situations, without falling into colonialist perspectives, so that we can find in it a method of coexistence that implies an anti-colonialist existential attitude.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Josiana Barbosa Andrade (Autor)

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